$11.95 Student/Academic Year (minimum of 10 students)



  • Access Pre-Built Course With Unlimited Customizability
  • Completely Customize Questions, Lessons, Problem Sets, Modules, or Courses
  • Build Custom Lessons and Problem Sets Using Our Large Collection of Open Educational Resources - OER (OpenStax, etc.)
  • Easily Share Created Resources with Colleagues
  • Assign Math Review Assignments to help Strength Topic Specific Prerequisite Math Skills 
  • Access Large Collection of Reports and Real-Time Learning Graphics
  • Assignments Provide Instant Feedback and Hints for Struggling Students
  • Assign Over 10,000+ Physics Question Items
  • Access 150+ Lessons
  • Collaborate with Colleagues on Our Community Message Board
  • Access Help Quickly Through Live Chat 




Do I need to pay anything to register as a teacher?

No, teachers can register and gain access to the website completely free. In addition, once you have registered and set up your classes, your students will each have a 6-week trial period to try Key2PHYSICS. The whole trial period is 100% risk-free. 

How can schools pay?

Once registered as a teacher, log into your account and then go to your account settings page. Once there you can quickly pay by credit card or begin the process to pay by purchase order or check. If you have any questions, feel free to message us using the live chat button or emailing [email protected] with any questions. 


Can I customize my lessons and assignments to meet my class’s specific needs?

Yes! Every component from individual questions all the way up to a complete module or course can be 100% customized to meet your needs. If you don’t like the wording of a question, make your own copy, edit it, and add it to your assignment. Everything is 100% customizable.


Can my colleagues and I collaborate to make our own custom course?

Yes! Every learning component is, by default, shareable to colleagues across the hall or across the world.


I have a small class of 5 students, is it possible to complete an order for just 5 students? 

Unfortunately no. A teacher must submit an order for at least 10 students. Having said that, once the purchase is complete, you will receive 10 access codes. These access codes, if not used this year, can be used any time in the future by you. So, they should never go to waste.